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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Demski Kamenz

WEB Demski in Kamenz: Your Trusted Source for Stonework, Construction, and More

A Family-Owned Business with a Legacy of Excellence

WEB Demski has been a trusted name in Kamenz since 1965, when Hans Demski founded the family-owned business. With over five decades of experience, WEB Demski has established itself as a leading provider of stonework, construction, and related services.

Our Services

WEB Demski offers a comprehensive range of services, including:

  • Stonework, including countertops, fireplaces, and facades
  • Construction, from new builds to renovations
  • Interior design and consulting

What Sets Us Apart

At WEB Demski, we believe in delivering exceptional quality in everything we do. Our team of skilled craftsmen and professionals is dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction. We use only the finest materials and utilize the latest techniques to create beautiful and durable results.

Contact Us

To learn more about WEB Demski or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at:

WEB Zentrale Werkstatt Kamenz
Weinbergstraße 11
01917 Kamenz

Phone: 03578 30 43 55
Mobile: 0172 79 46 582
Fax: 03578 30 18 60
Email: .

We also have a branch in Kamenz Bernbruch, open during business hours.


WEB Demski is more than just a company; it's a family that has dedicated generations to providing exceptional stonework, construction, and related services in Kamenz. Whether you're looking to enhance your home, build a commercial space, or simply seek expert advice, WEB Demski is your trusted partner. Contact us today to experience the difference!
